
International : Différence entre versions

De erg

(45 révisions intermédiaires par 2 utilisateurs non affichées)
Ligne 1 : Ligne 1 :
Depuis sa création en 1972, l'erg se définit comme un '''lieu de recherche''' où l'activation des modes et espaces de production conduit l'étudiante à apprendre en faisant. L'articulation des cours est une zone de convergence suscitant l'inattendu, l'échange, le collectif, la forme hybride, contribuant ainsi à former des artistes- citoyennes en relation au monde, bien au delà de la période de formation. La participation au programme Erasmus + renforcera la 1 perspective internationale, transdisciplinaire de nos pratiques et de notre pédagogie. La "modernisation", de notre établissement passe par se poser la question du présent. Un présent à soumettre à des analyses de genre, coloniales, environnementales, économiques et sociales. La crise que nous traversons et traverserons remet en cause nos outils, nos moyens, l'idée même de croissance économique, de plus « la crise sanitaire est enchâssée dans ce qui n'est pas une crise mais une mutation écologique durable et irréversible »(Bruno Latour, avril 2020). Notre participation à la construction d'un '''espace européen de l'éducation''' est de s'interroger à tous les niveaux de l'école, et avec nos partenaires, sur les références et les outils majoritairement utilisés pour l'enseignement dans les écoles d'art. Nous défendons une pratique artistique articulée sur une pensée innovante, expérimentale qui situe ses références, ses objets dans un contexte géopolitique. Aucune pratique dans une perspective internationale et citoyenne n'est indépendante de ses lieux, de sa forme donc de sa technique, de son époque, de ses liens avec d'autres artistes, arts et situations. Le programme Erasmus + nous permettra de développer cet apprentissage, et une participation consciente à ces diverses réalités.
===°[[erg fact sheet]]===
1.Un des premiers objectifs de la participation au programme Erasmus + est le '''développement des capacités sociales, des capacités d'adaptation, de la curiosité, de la rencontre avec l'autre, avec d'autres espaces, langues, pratiques'''. Cet objectif est déjà en action à l'erg dans des activités d'apprentissage non formelles, dans la participation à la vie active de l'école. Et aussi dans la participation à des activités de cohésion sociale, d'expérimentations, dans des lieux de rencontres qui permettent à la fois de favoriser la '''compréhension interculturelle''' tout en acquérant des compétences relationnelles et techniques. Ces activités seront aussi des lieux de partage avec nos partenaires sur des plateformes numériques. Le soin de l'autre, le respect de sa culture est primordial. Comment l'accueillir? Comment éviter les pièges de nationalismes qui se disséminent en Europe? C'est là aussi l'un des fondements auquel nous croyons et que nous mettrons en œuvre : le partage équitable de connaissances et de bonnes pratiques et l'aspiration à un système éducatif plus performant, plus fluide, plus juste et ouvert.
===°[[Incoming students|incoming students]]===
2.Un autre objectif est l'apprentissage d'autres références que celles souvent dominées par la seule représentation occidentale, masculine, majoritaire. Ces seules références ont un impact direct sur qui s'identifie à une carrière artistique. Et par conséquent les origines des étudiant.e.s dans les écoles d'art sont peu diversifiées, et finalement la diversité est peu représentée dans les institutions culturelles et dans le corps enseignant. Par l'échange de pratiques et de connaissances permis par la mobilité des enseignant.e.s et des étudiant.e.s soutenues dans le cadre d'Erasmus +, la lutte contre la discrimination commence dès l'enseignement. Notre école en est déjà consciente, elle organise des séminaires, groupes de travail, des échanges de références mais cela reste souvent à un niveau local et/ou au niveau d'une seule école. Ces pratiques d'émancipation pourront être soutenues de manière transnationale et entre écoles. Par exemple, c'est à la suite d'échange d'enseignant.e.s et d'étudiant.e.s, que cette question particulière est devenue l'objet d'un projet de Partenariat Stratégique initié en 2019: [[Teaching To Transgress Toolbox]]. Le programme Erasmus+ permettra entre autres de partager les résultats de ce Partenariat Stratégique et surtout d'étendre le réseau de recherche, de mobilisation sur ces questions et de mise en pratiques de '''pédagogies inclusives'''.
===°[[Étudiant.e.s sortant.e.s / Outgoing students|étudiant.e.s sortant.e.s / outgoing students]]===
3.Le développement de compétences adaptées au contexte actuel et de demain est aussi un objectif essentiel. La croissance économique mentionnée dans l'Espace européen de l'éducation voulue par la Commission Européenne, est à penser aussi dans des termes d'échanges, de partages, de "care", de durabilité, de respect des personnes et de I l'environnement, valeurs importantes dans l'Union Européenne. Quelles sont les économies artistiques possibles ? Dans le domaine de l'art, où l'enseignement est réputé ouvert à la conception et à l'application de nouveaux cadres critiques, d'outils d'analyse et de pratiques créatives nous pouvons imaginer de nouvelles formes de vie, de croissance dans le sens de croître et non de surplus, de recyclage, d'objets et de personnes dans le sens de modifier son chemin. Ces nouvelles formes de vie passent par l'apprentissage d'une prise de conscience et un usage citoyens et responsables des outils numériques, des réseaux sociaux. Notre expérience d'une école horizontale et numérique ces derniers mois pourrait apprendre d'échanges à un niveau européen. Dans le cadre d'Erasmus + nous proposons entre autre de développer une plateforme numérique d'échanges de contenus, cours, conférences, références en privilégiant l'usage des licences et des logiciels libres pour garantir un accès ouvert, et respectueux des auteure.s. De plus, le développement numérique en logiciels libres peut être partagé, et servir de '''lieu commun d'apprentissage'''.
===°[[Mobilité du personnel académique|academic staff mobility]]===
4. Penser le monde et les compétences de demain implique finalement la dissémination et l'expérimentation transnationale de pratiques conscientes des questions environnementales et d'économie durable. Tout comme les initiatives sur les questions de genre et de discrimination qui sont des initiatives locales ou européennes sur bases d'échanges d'intérêts communs d'abord informels, un de nos objectifs dans le cadre du programme Erasmus + est de pouvoir partager et faire croître les expériences, les recherches, les pratiques et les références sur les questions de recyclage mais aussi sur la question du circuit court et de durabilité pour la nourriture. Car l'économie alternative, de proximité, de circuit court n'est pas que celle du recyclage, nous expérimentons aussi à l'erg la création d'une cafétéria basée sur ces mêmes principes. La mobilité des équipes et des étudiant.e.s impliquées sur ces questions permettra l'échange de bonnes pratiques, de connaissances, lors de stages notamment.
===°[[Projets internationaux|international projects]]===
===[[erg fact sheet 2022]]===
===°[[Inclusive teaching at Erg|inclusive teaching at erg]]===  
=== [[Incoming students]] ===
===°[[Erasmus Experience|experiences]] ===  
=== [[Guide for incoming students|Download the Guide for incoming students]] ===
===°[[Sammy Del Gallo|contact ]]===
=== [[Experiences of exchange stay at erg]] ===
===°[[Taux applicables|taux applicables]]===  
=== [[Inclusive education at Erg]]===
=== °[[Green tips|green tips]]===
=== [[Étudiant.e.s sortant.e.s / Outgoing students]]===
===statement on Erasmus international strategy===
=== [[Partners]] ===
Since its creation in 1972, erg has defined itself as a '''place of research''' where the activation of modes and spaces of production leads the student to learn by doing. The articulation of the courses is a zone of convergence that gives rise to the unexpected, the exchange, the collective, the hybrid form, thus contributing to the training of '''artists- citizens in relation to the world''', well beyond the training period. Participation in the Erasmus + programme will reinforce the international, transdisciplinary perspective of our practices and our pedagogy. The "modernisation" of our institution involves asking the question of the present. A present to be subjected to gender, colonial, environmental, economic and social analyses. The crisis that we are going through and will go through calls into question our tools, our means, the very idea of economic growth, and moreover "the health crisis is embedded in what is not a crisis but a lasting and irreversible ecological mutation" (Bruno Latour, April 2020). Our participation in the construction of a '''European space of education''' is to question, at all levels of school, and with our partners, the references and tools mostly used for teaching in art schools. We defend an artistic practice based on innovative and experimental thinking that situates its references and objects in a geopolitical context. No practice in an international and civic perspective is independent of its places, its form, its technique, its time, its links with other artists, arts and situations. The Erasmus + programme will allow us to develop this learning, and a conscious participation in these diverse realities.
=== [[Mobilité du personnel académique]] ===
One of the first objectives of participation in the Erasmus + programme is '''the development of social skills, adaptability, curiosity, encounter with the other, with other spaces, languages, practices'''. This objective is already in action at the erg in non-formal learning activities, in participation in the active life of the school. And also in the participation in activities of social cohesion, experimentation, in meeting places that allow both to promote intercultural understanding while acquiring relational and technical skills. These activities will also be places for sharing with our partners on digital platforms. Care for the other, respect for his or her culture is essential. How to welcome them? How can we avoid the traps of nationalism that are spreading in Europe? This is also one of the foundations in which we believe and which we will implement: the equitable sharing of knowledge and good practices and the aspiration to a more efficient, more fluid, fairer and more open education system.
===[[Sammy Del Gallo|Contact ]]===
Another objective is the '''learning of other references than those often dominated by the only western, male, majority representation'''. These references alone have a direct impact on who identifies with an artistic career. As a result, the origins of students in art schools are not very diverse, and ultimately diversity is not well represented in cultural institutions and in the teaching staff. Through the exchange of practices and knowledge made possible by the mobility of teachers and students supported by Erasmus +, the fight against discrimination begins in education. Our school is already aware of this, it organises seminars, working groups, exchanges of references but this often remains at a local level and/or at the level of a single school. These emancipatory practices could be supported transnationally and between schools. For example, it is as a result of teacher and student exchanges that this particular issue has become the subject of a Strategic Partnership project initiated in 2019: Teaching To Transgress Toolbox. The Erasmus+ programme will allow, among other things, to share the results of this Strategic Partnership and, above all, to extend the network of research, mobilisation on these issues and the implementation of '''inclusive pedagogies'''.
The development of skills adapted to the current and future context is also an essential objective. The economic growth mentioned in the European Area of Education desired by the European Commission should also be thought of in terms of exchanges, sharing, care, sustainability, respect for people and the environment, important values in the European Union. What artistic economies are possible? In the field of art, where teaching is considered open to the conception and application of new critical frameworks, tools of analysis and creative practices, we can imagine new forms of life, of growth in the sense of growing and not of surplus, of recycling, of objects and people in the sense of changing one's path. These new forms of life involve learning to be aware of and to use digital tools and social networks in a responsible manner. Our experience of a horizontal and digital school in recent months could learn from exchanges at a European level. Within the framework of Erasmus + we propose, among other things, to develop a digital platform for the exchange of content, courses, conferences and references, favouring the use of free software and licences to guarantee open access and respect for the authors. In addition, the digital development in free software can be shared, and serve as a '''common place of learning'''.
'''Thinking about the world and skills of tomorrow ultimately involves the dissemination and transnational experimentation of environmentally conscious and sustainable economic practices'''. Just as initiatives on gender and discrimination issues are local or European initiatives based on informal exchanges of common interests, one of our objectives in the framework of the Erasmus + programme is to be able to share and grow experiences, research, practices and references on recycling issues but also on the issue of short circuits and sustainability for food. Because the alternative economy, of proximity, of short circuit is not only that of recycling, we also experiment at the erg the creation of a cafeteria based on these same principles. The mobility of the teams and students involved in these issues will allow for the exchange of good practices and knowledge, particularly during internships.<br>
[[Fichier:Erasmus Charter for Higher Education.pdf|aucun|Erasmus Charter]]
[[Fichier:Charte EES erg 2022-2027.pdf |400px|thumb]]
[[Catégorie: English]]

Version du 5 février 2024 à 16:36


°erg fact sheet

°incoming students

°étudiant.e.s sortant.e.s / outgoing students

°academic staff mobility


°international projects

°inclusive teaching at erg



°taux applicables

°green tips

statement on Erasmus international strategy

Since its creation in 1972, erg has defined itself as a place of research where the activation of modes and spaces of production leads the student to learn by doing. The articulation of the courses is a zone of convergence that gives rise to the unexpected, the exchange, the collective, the hybrid form, thus contributing to the training of artists- citizens in relation to the world, well beyond the training period. Participation in the Erasmus + programme will reinforce the international, transdisciplinary perspective of our practices and our pedagogy. The "modernisation" of our institution involves asking the question of the present. A present to be subjected to gender, colonial, environmental, economic and social analyses. The crisis that we are going through and will go through calls into question our tools, our means, the very idea of economic growth, and moreover "the health crisis is embedded in what is not a crisis but a lasting and irreversible ecological mutation" (Bruno Latour, April 2020). Our participation in the construction of a European space of education is to question, at all levels of school, and with our partners, the references and tools mostly used for teaching in art schools. We defend an artistic practice based on innovative and experimental thinking that situates its references and objects in a geopolitical context. No practice in an international and civic perspective is independent of its places, its form, its technique, its time, its links with other artists, arts and situations. The Erasmus + programme will allow us to develop this learning, and a conscious participation in these diverse realities.

One of the first objectives of participation in the Erasmus + programme is the development of social skills, adaptability, curiosity, encounter with the other, with other spaces, languages, practices. This objective is already in action at the erg in non-formal learning activities, in participation in the active life of the school. And also in the participation in activities of social cohesion, experimentation, in meeting places that allow both to promote intercultural understanding while acquiring relational and technical skills. These activities will also be places for sharing with our partners on digital platforms. Care for the other, respect for his or her culture is essential. How to welcome them? How can we avoid the traps of nationalism that are spreading in Europe? This is also one of the foundations in which we believe and which we will implement: the equitable sharing of knowledge and good practices and the aspiration to a more efficient, more fluid, fairer and more open education system.

Another objective is the learning of other references than those often dominated by the only western, male, majority representation. These references alone have a direct impact on who identifies with an artistic career. As a result, the origins of students in art schools are not very diverse, and ultimately diversity is not well represented in cultural institutions and in the teaching staff. Through the exchange of practices and knowledge made possible by the mobility of teachers and students supported by Erasmus +, the fight against discrimination begins in education. Our school is already aware of this, it organises seminars, working groups, exchanges of references but this often remains at a local level and/or at the level of a single school. These emancipatory practices could be supported transnationally and between schools. For example, it is as a result of teacher and student exchanges that this particular issue has become the subject of a Strategic Partnership project initiated in 2019: Teaching To Transgress Toolbox. The Erasmus+ programme will allow, among other things, to share the results of this Strategic Partnership and, above all, to extend the network of research, mobilisation on these issues and the implementation of inclusive pedagogies.

The development of skills adapted to the current and future context is also an essential objective. The economic growth mentioned in the European Area of Education desired by the European Commission should also be thought of in terms of exchanges, sharing, care, sustainability, respect for people and the environment, important values in the European Union. What artistic economies are possible? In the field of art, where teaching is considered open to the conception and application of new critical frameworks, tools of analysis and creative practices, we can imagine new forms of life, of growth in the sense of growing and not of surplus, of recycling, of objects and people in the sense of changing one's path. These new forms of life involve learning to be aware of and to use digital tools and social networks in a responsible manner. Our experience of a horizontal and digital school in recent months could learn from exchanges at a European level. Within the framework of Erasmus + we propose, among other things, to develop a digital platform for the exchange of content, courses, conferences and references, favouring the use of free software and licences to guarantee open access and respect for the authors. In addition, the digital development in free software can be shared, and serve as a common place of learning.

Thinking about the world and skills of tomorrow ultimately involves the dissemination and transnational experimentation of environmentally conscious and sustainable economic practices. Just as initiatives on gender and discrimination issues are local or European initiatives based on informal exchanges of common interests, one of our objectives in the framework of the Erasmus + programme is to be able to share and grow experiences, research, practices and references on recycling issues but also on the issue of short circuits and sustainability for food. Because the alternative economy, of proximity, of short circuit is not only that of recycling, we also experiment at the erg the creation of a cafeteria based on these same principles. The mobility of the teams and students involved in these issues will allow for the exchange of good practices and knowledge, particularly during internships.

Charte EES erg 2022-2027.pdf
