
Imagining futures / Science fiction

De erg

Révision datée du 10 juillet 2023 à 14:10 par Sammy (discussion | contributions)
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Teacher: Sara Doke

History of Science Fiction or how to imagine the future

Through the history of the Imaginary in general and of Science-Fiction in particular, in its memes, its tropes and its evolution until today, this course tries to approach the great questions which work for us, the decolonialism, feminism and climate change.

Supported by short texts and writing and creation exercises, the course aims to enable students to master the codes of the different genres to better tame them or even turn them upside down.

Students will be able to find inspiration in a broad biography that touches on the Imaginary from Frankenstein (considered the first Science-Fiction novel) to ultra-contemporary authors to better understand the issues staged and the importance of looking at the present.