
Uh huh life's like this uh huh uh huh that's the way it is

De erg

Publiée 2019/04/23

Two days of intense experimentations in the space of ERG Gallery, including performances, paintings, sculptures, talks and music, organised by the participants of Master PAOC at ERG, Brussels.

Artists include: Master PAOC (Pratique de l'Art - Outils Critiques, Art Practice - Critical Tools)

Sylvain Peters

Robin Divrande

Robin Moreels

Victor Rochette

Yemo Park

Léo Gillet

Tom Valckenaere

Alexis Mazin

Sarah Abd Ali

Victoria Palacios

Geoffroy Darconnat

Antoine Moustie

Quentin Sietzen

Pierre Barick

Nelson Louis

Fiona Brunet