
Teaching To Transgress Toolbox

De erg

Over the past ten years, tendencies towards polarisation and discrimination in the wider society have had a perceptible influence on attitudes and behaviours within education with forceful impacts on inclusive learning and teaching in our classrooms.

In attempts to meet these threats to diversity and pedagogical inclusivity we identify the pressing need to respond to these political and social issues. Intersectionality asserts that oppressions (based in racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, etc.) are interconnected and cannot be examined separately from one another. Critical intersectional feminist pedagogies have, by now, been proven to provide valuable conceptual and practical tools with which to focus on inclusivity. This is particularly true in the field of art, where teaching is known to be open to devising and applying new critical frameworks, tools of analysis and creative practices. Read more about TTTToolbox.

Teaching To Transgress Toolbox* is a no-credit collective research and study programme on critical pedagogy using artistic tools based on peer-learning and collective research. The whole project runs for two years (2019-2021). The actual study programme is structured in four one-week workshops during 2020 and is developed transnationally by three European art schools, erg in Brussels, HDK/Valand in Göteborg and ISBA in Besançon. It is funded by Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Grant.

  • The title is inspired by bell hooks’ book Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom.
