
Color: Counter-current reflections and appropriation through practice

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Révision datée du 1 juin 2023 à 14:13 par Sammy (discussion | contributions)
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Teacher : Raquel Santana de Morais

Through workshop practice, the course aims to freely appropriate different strategies for using color, proposing an active deconstruction of the gaze and inviting participants to take a personal, critical and potentially transgressive approach to color.

Inspired by the works of artists from diverse horizons, counter-current theories and color-related themes, we will carry out a series of practical exercises. The course also offers a discussion space where participants can contribute their own references and/or current artistic practices.

Exercises throughout the year:

Each work / theory chosen for analysis offers a key to reading / entry in relation to the theme of color as well as a critical positioning / point of view situated in relation to societal questioning (decolonial, feminist, LGBTQIA+, ecological, etc.).

The course also focuses on the work of color theorists who have been invisible in art history (GARTSIDE, VANDERPOEL).

Exercise themes (flexible and evolving) :

Colors x semantic fields x imagination

Taste, colonialism and deconstruction of "chromatic dogmas" Harmony

Chromatic analysis: nature, art history, personal references

Color as matter / color creation / natural inks