Typography (BA)
De erg
Révision datée du 28 avril 2021 à 11:38 par Sammy (discussion | contributions)
Bachelor 1
Professors: collective
Learning Modules :
- Signe, Image, Icône, Glyphes, Emojis, Pictos, No-Logo
Professors : Laurent Baudoux, Alain Goffin
Professors : Antoine Gelgon, Damien Safie
- Signe, Dessin, Dessin graphique
Professors : Laurent Baudoux, Sabine Voglaire
- Formats, canons, gaufriers, en marge super max-width!
Professors : Giampiero Caiti, Ludivine Loiseau
Bachelor 2 & 3
Professors: Manuela Dechamps Otamendi, Marie-Christophe Lambert, Ludivine Loiseau
The exercises suggested to students provide them with ideas for exploration and research and often confront them to tangible suggestions touching on the drawing or the space of letters – the layout. Students are lead to think about criteria of quality, readability and contemporaneity as well as the balance between substance and form.