
International : Différence entre versions

De erg

(°étudiant.e.s sortant.e.s / outgoing students)
(187 révisions intermédiaires par 6 utilisateurs non affichées)
Ligne 1 : Ligne 1 :
'''Mobilité SMS (étudiants)
===°[[erg fact sheet]]===
L’erg a établi depuis plusieurs années une série de partenariats avec des écoles en Europe et dans le monde.
===°[[Incoming students|incoming students]]===
L’erg propose également à ses étudiants et enseignants de participer au programme de mobilité européen Erasmus+.
Ces échanges bilatéraux permettent aux étudiants d’élargir leurs connaissances artistiques tout en poursuivant leur cursus scolaire.
Ils contribuent à positionner l’école comme établissement phare d’enseignement et de recherche artistique en Europe et à mettre sur pied et à valoriser des projets aptes à conforter la reconnaissance de l’erg en tant que laboratoire de recherche artistique.
Erasmus+ donne l’opportunité aux étudiants (de tous niveaux, doctorat inclus, exceptés ceux inscrits en première année d’étude supérieure) d’étudier pour une période de 3 à 12 mois à l’erg dans le cadre des arrangements conventionnés entre les institutions.
===°[[Étudiant.e.s sortant.e.s / Outgoing students|étudiant.e.s sortant.e.s / outgoing students]]===
Le temps passé dans note école est pleinement reconnu par l’université d’origine grâce à l’ECTS, l’European Credit Transfer System.
===°[[Mobilité du personnel académique|academic staff mobility]]===
[[Incoming students]]
===°[[Projets internationaux|international projects]]===
In order to take part to the Erasmus+ program and study at erg, you need to meet the following requirements :
===°[[Inclusive teaching at Erg|inclusive teaching at erg]]===
A/ To be a student registered in a higher education program leading to a recognized diploma (including doctorate) in one of the participating countries.
===°[[Erasmus Experience|experiences]] ===
B/ To be a citizen of those countries (or hold a continuous (“A”) or permanent (“P”) passport) C/ To have successfully completed at least the two first years in your institution.
===°[[Sammy Del Gallo|contact ]]===
If you wish to spend a semester at erg as an international / Erasmus student, please contact your school’s Erasmus coordinator to ensure there is an agreement between erg and your institution.
===°[[Taux applicables|taux applicables]]===
Required Documents :
=== °[[Green tips|green tips]]===
Application Form
===statement on Erasmus international strategy===
Portfolio (digital only)
Letter of motivation
Curriculum Vitae
2 ID photos
All documents must be signed and approved by your school.
Since its creation in 1972, erg has defined itself as a '''place of research''' where the activation of modes and spaces of production leads the student to learn by doing. The articulation of the courses is a zone of convergence that gives rise to the unexpected, the exchange, the collective, the hybrid form, thus contributing to the training of '''artists- citizens in relation to the world''', well beyond the training period. Participation in the Erasmus + programme will reinforce the international, transdisciplinary perspective of our practices and our pedagogy. The "modernisation" of our institution involves asking the question of the present. A present to be subjected to gender, colonial, environmental, economic and social analyses. The crisis that we are going through and will go through calls into question our tools, our means, the very idea of economic growth, and moreover "the health crisis is embedded in what is not a crisis but a lasting and irreversible ecological mutation" (Bruno Latour, April 2020). Our participation in the construction of a '''European space of education''' is to question, at all levels of school, and with our partners, the references and tools mostly used for teaching in art schools. We defend an artistic practice based on innovative and experimental thinking that situates its references and objects in a geopolitical context. No practice in an international and civic perspective is independent of its places, its form, its technique, its time, its links with other artists, arts and situations. The Erasmus + programme will allow us to develop this learning, and a conscious participation in these diverse realities.
Deadline for admission
One of the first objectives of participation in the Erasmus + programme is '''the development of social skills, adaptability, curiosity, encounter with the other, with other spaces, languages, practices'''. This objective is already in action at the erg in non-formal learning activities, in participation in the active life of the school. And also in the participation in activities of social cohesion, experimentation, in meeting places that allow both to promote intercultural understanding while acquiring relational and technical skills. These activities will also be places for sharing with our partners on digital platforms. Care for the other, respect for his or her culture is essential. How to welcome them? How can we avoid the traps of nationalism that are spreading in Europe? This is also one of the foundations in which we believe and which we will implement: the equitable sharing of knowledge and good practices and the aspiration to a more efficient, more fluid, fairer and more open education system.
1st of May for 1st semester ( September - January ) or full academic year (no incoming students in 2nd semester only)
Another objective is the '''learning of other references than those often dominated by the only western, male, majority representation'''. These references alone have a direct impact on who identifies with an artistic career. As a result, the origins of students in art schools are not very diverse, and ultimately diversity is not well represented in cultural institutions and in the teaching staff. Through the exchange of practices and knowledge made possible by the mobility of teachers and students supported by Erasmus +, the fight against discrimination begins in education. Our school is already aware of this, it organises seminars, working groups, exchanges of references but this often remains at a local level and/or at the level of a single school. These emancipatory practices could be supported transnationally and between schools. For example, it is as a result of teacher and student exchanges that this particular issue has become the subject of a Strategic Partnership project initiated in 2019: Teaching To Transgress Toolbox. The Erasmus+ programme will allow, among other things, to share the results of this Strategic Partnership and, above all, to extend the network of research, mobilisation on these issues and the implementation of '''inclusive pedagogies'''.
For non-French speaking students: CEFR level B1 is recommended as most of our courses are taught in French.  
The development of skills adapted to the current and future context is also an essential objective. The economic growth mentioned in the European Area of Education desired by the European Commission should also be thought of in terms of exchanges, sharing, care, sustainability, respect for people and the environment, important values in the European Union. What artistic economies are possible? In the field of art, where teaching is considered open to the conception and application of new critical frameworks, tools of analysis and creative practices, we can imagine new forms of life, of growth in the sense of growing and not of surplus, of recycling, of objects and people in the sense of changing one's path. These new forms of life involve learning to be aware of and to use digital tools and social networks in a responsible manner. Our experience of a horizontal and digital school in recent months could learn from exchanges at a European level. Within the framework of Erasmus + we propose, among other things, to develop a digital platform for the exchange of content, courses, conferences and references, favouring the use of free software and licences to guarantee open access and respect for the authors. In addition, the digital development in free software can be shared, and serve as a '''common place of learning'''.
Contact and terms
'''Thinking about the world and skills of tomorrow ultimately involves the dissemination and transnational experimentation of environmentally conscious and sustainable economic practices'''. Just as initiatives on gender and discrimination issues are local or European initiatives based on informal exchanges of common interests, one of our objectives in the framework of the Erasmus + programme is to be able to share and grow experiences, research, practices and references on recycling issues but also on the issue of short circuits and sustainability for food. Because the alternative economy, of proximity, of short circuit is not only that of recycling, we also experiment at the erg the creation of a cafeteria based on these same principles. The mobility of the teams and students involved in these issues will allow for the exchange of good practices and knowledge, particularly during internships.<br>
'''Sammy Del Gallo''' - International Relations
[ email me]
[[Fichier:Charte EES erg 2022-2027.pdf |400px|thumb]]
'''Erasmus houses'''
For the Erasmus students we get houses in the area of the school. For informations and conveniences, please contact :
Marie Alui
[ email me]
[[Etudiants sortants]]
== Durée ==
Votre période d'études à l'étranger doit durer de 3 mois (soit un quadrimestre, environ) à 12 mois.
Vous pouvez participer à plusieurs échanges Erasmus+, soit comme étudiant, soit comme stagiaire, mais la période totale passée à l'étranger (périodes d'études à l'étranger comprises) ne peut pas dépasser 12 mois par cycle d'études.
== Conditions ==
Pour étudier à l'étranger avec Erasmus+, vous devez être inscrit à l'Erg et avoir un dossier en ordre.
Votre période d'études à l'étranger doit être utile pour l'obtention de votre diplôme et pour votre développement personnel, et doit faire partie du programme d'études que vous suivez.
L'établissement qui vous envoie et celui qui vous accueille doivent avoir signé un accord interinstitutionnel pour que vous puissiez étudier dans ce dernier dans le cadre d'Erasmus+.
Les deux établissements doivent également être en possession de la charte Erasmus+ pour l'enseignement supérieur (s'ils sont situés dans des pays participant au programme). Les établissements de pays partenaires s'engagent à respecter les principes de la charte lorsqu'ils signent un accord interinstitutionnel.
== Reconnaissance académique ==
Avant la période d'études à l'étranger:
L'établissement d'enseignement supérieur qui vous envoie, celui qui vous accueille et vous-même devez signer un contrat pédagogique (pour les études), afin de veiller à la préparation transparente et efficace de l'échange à l'étranger et de convenir des modalités de reconnaissance des activités qui y auront été suivies avec succès. Ce document fixe les droits et obligations des différentes parties.
Vous recevrez la charte de l'étudiant Erasmus+, qui explique vos droits et obligations en ce qui concerne votre période d'études à l'étranger.
Après la période d'études à l'étranger:
L’établissement d’accueil doit fournir à l’étudiant et à l’établissement d’envoi un relevé de notes attestant que le programme convenu a été suivi et confirmant les résultats obtenus.
Votre établissement d'enseignement supérieur doit reconnaître les crédits (sous forme de crédits ECTS ou au moyen d'un système équivalent) comme convenu dans le contrat pédagogique avant la période de mobilité, et les prendre en considération dans le cadre de votre diplôme, sans imposer d'exigence supplémentaire.
Si votre établissement d'enseignement supérieur est situé dans un pays participant au programme, votre période de mobilité doit également figurer dans le supplément au diplôme.
En savoir plus sur les lignes directrices pour l’utilisation du contrat pédagogique pour les études
== Soutien financier ==
Vous pouvez bénéficier d'une subvention Erasmus+ pour vos frais de voyage et de séjour. Différents éléments peuvent faire varier le montant de cette subvention: coût de la vie différent dans votre pays par rapport à celui du pays de destination, nombre de candidats, distance entre les pays et disponibilité des subventions.
Si vous allez d'un pays participant au programme à un autre, adressez-vous à votre agence nationale et à votre établissement d'envoi pour connaître les montants en vigueur. Une aide complémentaire peut être accordée aux étudiants qui participent à un stage ou qui proviennent d'un milieu défavorisé ou de pays ou régions ultrapériphériques participant au programme.
Les niveaux des subventions et les montants fixés pour les échanges entre pays participants et pays partenaires sont publiés dans le guide du programme Erasmus+.
Que vous soyez ou non bénéficiaire d'une bourse Erasmus+, vous signerez une convention de subvention précisant la durée de votre mobilité, le montant de votre subvention et vos autres droits et obligations. 
Si votre échange s'effectue entre des pays participant au programme, votre établissement d'envoi signera votre convention de subvention et il sera responsable de tous les paiements à effectuer.
Si l'échange s'effectue entre un pays participant au programme et un pays partenaire, c'est l'établissement du pays participant au programme qui signera la convention de subvention. L'établissement d'envoi et celui qui vous accueille décideront ensemble lequel effectuera vos paiements.
En tant qu'étudiant Erasmus+, vous serez exonéré de droits d'inscription, de frais d'examen et de droits d'accès aux laboratoires et bibliothèques dans l'établissement d'accueil. Vous pourriez toutefois devoir payer des frais modiques pour souscrire à une assurance ou adhérer à une association d'étudiants.
Vous pourriez avoir droit à des subventions complémentaires versées par votre établissement, votre administration ou d'autres sources. Consultez le guide des financements européens ou les portails d'études.
Enfin, vous pourriez également avoir la possibilité de demander une bourse pour un master commun ou un programme doctoral.
== Comment poser sa candidature? ==
Vous pouvez poser votre candidature par l'intermédiaire de Sammy Del Gallo avant le 15/02.
== Dispositions pour les étudiants ayant un handicap physique ou mental ou des problèmes de santé ==
Les étudiants ayant un handicap physique ou mental ou des problèmes de santé peuvent demander une aide financière complémentaire après avoir été sélectionnés pour une période de mobilité.
== Partenaires ==
Akademie der Bildenden Künste München
Braunschweig University of Art
HFG Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe - Faculty of Communication Design
Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste Hambourg
Weissensee Kunsthochschule Berlin
University of Applied Arts of Vienna - Master Art & Science
LUCA - School of Arts
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
University of Concordia
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Visual Art
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Universidad del Pais Vasco - Facultad de Bellas Artes
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia- Facultad de Bellas Artes San Carlos
Aalto University
School of Arts, Design and Architecture
University of the Arts, Academy of Fine Arts (Kuvataideakatemia)
École de Communication Visuelle (ECV)
Ecole d’Enseignement Supérieur
d’Art de Bordeaux
École Européenne Supérieure de l’Image / Angoulême et Poitiers
École Européenne Supérieure d’Art de Bretagne
École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs
École Nationale Supérieure d’Art Dijon
École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Lyon
École Nationale des Beaux-Arts de Nancy
École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts de Paris Cergy
École Supérieure d’Art et Design Grenoble - Valence
École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts Tours - Angers - Le Mans
Haute École des Arts du Rhin
Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts de Besançon/Franche-Comté
Villa Arson Nice
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Design Institute
Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest
Iceland Academy of Arts - Department of Design & Architecture
Accademia di Belle Arti de l’Aquila
Accademia di Belle Arti de Bologna
Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milano
ISIA Urbino
NABA Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milano
R.U.F.A. Rome University of Fine Arts
Vilnius Academy of Arts
Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado “La Esmeralda”
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Academy of Fine Art
Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten
Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Belas Artes
République Tchèque
Brno University of Technology
Academy of Arts in Banska Bystrica
Malmö Art Academy, Lund University
BFH Bern University of Applied Sciences
Haute école d’art et de design (HEAD)
'''Mobilité ST (enseignants)'''
Missions d’enseignement : cette activité permet au personnel des EES participant au programme d’enseigner dans un EES partenaire à l’étranger.
Missions de formation (formation ou mission d’observation) : l’objectif de ce type de mission est le développement professionnel des membres du personnel, cet objectif doit s’inscrire dans la stratégie d’internationalisation et de modernisation du bénéficiaire.
Experts invités : cette activité permet à un EES d’inviter les membres du personnel d'entreprises et/ou d’organismes publics ou privés d’un pays du Programme actif sur le marché du travail ou dans les domaines de l’éducation, de la formation et de la jeunesse (y compris les doctorants employés) à venir enseigner  chez lui.
Durée ?
2 jours (hors voyage) à 2 mois.
Avant la mobilité :
Contrat de bourse
Contrat de mission
- disponibles auprès de Sammy Del Gallo -
Après la mobilité :
Rapport intermédiaire. Celui-ci permet à l’Agence d’effectuer un contrôle à mi-parcours sur les activités mises en place dans le cadre du  projet financé. Il doit être soumis à la date stipulée à l’article I.4.3 de la convention de subvention.

Version actuelle datée du 15 avril 2024 à 15:07


°erg fact sheet

°incoming students

°étudiant.e.s sortant.e.s / outgoing students

°academic staff mobility


°international projects

°inclusive teaching at erg



°taux applicables

°green tips

statement on Erasmus international strategy

Since its creation in 1972, erg has defined itself as a place of research where the activation of modes and spaces of production leads the student to learn by doing. The articulation of the courses is a zone of convergence that gives rise to the unexpected, the exchange, the collective, the hybrid form, thus contributing to the training of artists- citizens in relation to the world, well beyond the training period. Participation in the Erasmus + programme will reinforce the international, transdisciplinary perspective of our practices and our pedagogy. The "modernisation" of our institution involves asking the question of the present. A present to be subjected to gender, colonial, environmental, economic and social analyses. The crisis that we are going through and will go through calls into question our tools, our means, the very idea of economic growth, and moreover "the health crisis is embedded in what is not a crisis but a lasting and irreversible ecological mutation" (Bruno Latour, April 2020). Our participation in the construction of a European space of education is to question, at all levels of school, and with our partners, the references and tools mostly used for teaching in art schools. We defend an artistic practice based on innovative and experimental thinking that situates its references and objects in a geopolitical context. No practice in an international and civic perspective is independent of its places, its form, its technique, its time, its links with other artists, arts and situations. The Erasmus + programme will allow us to develop this learning, and a conscious participation in these diverse realities.

One of the first objectives of participation in the Erasmus + programme is the development of social skills, adaptability, curiosity, encounter with the other, with other spaces, languages, practices. This objective is already in action at the erg in non-formal learning activities, in participation in the active life of the school. And also in the participation in activities of social cohesion, experimentation, in meeting places that allow both to promote intercultural understanding while acquiring relational and technical skills. These activities will also be places for sharing with our partners on digital platforms. Care for the other, respect for his or her culture is essential. How to welcome them? How can we avoid the traps of nationalism that are spreading in Europe? This is also one of the foundations in which we believe and which we will implement: the equitable sharing of knowledge and good practices and the aspiration to a more efficient, more fluid, fairer and more open education system.

Another objective is the learning of other references than those often dominated by the only western, male, majority representation. These references alone have a direct impact on who identifies with an artistic career. As a result, the origins of students in art schools are not very diverse, and ultimately diversity is not well represented in cultural institutions and in the teaching staff. Through the exchange of practices and knowledge made possible by the mobility of teachers and students supported by Erasmus +, the fight against discrimination begins in education. Our school is already aware of this, it organises seminars, working groups, exchanges of references but this often remains at a local level and/or at the level of a single school. These emancipatory practices could be supported transnationally and between schools. For example, it is as a result of teacher and student exchanges that this particular issue has become the subject of a Strategic Partnership project initiated in 2019: Teaching To Transgress Toolbox. The Erasmus+ programme will allow, among other things, to share the results of this Strategic Partnership and, above all, to extend the network of research, mobilisation on these issues and the implementation of inclusive pedagogies.

The development of skills adapted to the current and future context is also an essential objective. The economic growth mentioned in the European Area of Education desired by the European Commission should also be thought of in terms of exchanges, sharing, care, sustainability, respect for people and the environment, important values in the European Union. What artistic economies are possible? In the field of art, where teaching is considered open to the conception and application of new critical frameworks, tools of analysis and creative practices, we can imagine new forms of life, of growth in the sense of growing and not of surplus, of recycling, of objects and people in the sense of changing one's path. These new forms of life involve learning to be aware of and to use digital tools and social networks in a responsible manner. Our experience of a horizontal and digital school in recent months could learn from exchanges at a European level. Within the framework of Erasmus + we propose, among other things, to develop a digital platform for the exchange of content, courses, conferences and references, favouring the use of free software and licences to guarantee open access and respect for the authors. In addition, the digital development in free software can be shared, and serve as a common place of learning.

Thinking about the world and skills of tomorrow ultimately involves the dissemination and transnational experimentation of environmentally conscious and sustainable economic practices. Just as initiatives on gender and discrimination issues are local or European initiatives based on informal exchanges of common interests, one of our objectives in the framework of the Erasmus + programme is to be able to share and grow experiences, research, practices and references on recycling issues but also on the issue of short circuits and sustainability for food. Because the alternative economy, of proximity, of short circuit is not only that of recycling, we also experiment at the erg the creation of a cafeteria based on these same principles. The mobility of the teams and students involved in these issues will allow for the exchange of good practices and knowledge, particularly during internships.

Charte EES erg 2022-2027.pdf
